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PASSAGES Association for Guidance,
Education and Support
92, Lady Ratan Tata Medical Center,
Cooperage, Mumbai, 400021
Phone: 022-22047823 / CANCER HELPLINE : 086524-00000
email : info@epassages.org, website : www.epassages.org |
Editorial |
Greetings from Passages! |
"We must each lead a way of life with self-awareness
and compassion,
to do as much as we can. Then,
whatever happens, we will have no regrets." |
—His Holiness, the 14th Dalai Lama. |
A loving welcome to several new friends who have embraced membership into our Passages family.
We are excited to have some of you on our working team.
Our celebratory event held on March 7, 2013, opened new doors and has revived a special interface for personal growth, volunteer training opportunities with charitable causes and community work.
We are proud to announce a revival of a variety of workshops from that provide a soothing effect and 'ME' time for the busy woman of Mumbai.
On the social and charitable work, the Passages' Medicine Bank distribution of chemotherapy medication to Breast cancer patients at Cama Hospital, has been initiated once again. |
'The PASSAGES' newsletter brings you |
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Inspiring forthcoming workshops |
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Review of cancer health program
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Flashback of past events |
We love hearing from our members.
Keep smiling!
Kaya Shewakramani |
Forthcoming Events |
Thursday, June 27, 2013 |
DANCE MEDITATION WORKSHOP – Sufi Whirling & Sacred Dances – (A workshop for beginners and those with experience) at Gallery Art & Soul on Thursday, June 27, 2013 from 10.30 a.m. to 1.00 p.m
Facilitated by: Ms. Zia Nath, Craniosacral Therapist (BCST), Quanta Health Care Solutions, Mumbai |
Friday, July 5, 2013 |
DISSEMINATION OF INFORMATION ON THE USE OF ‘HELIXOR’ INJECTIONS IN THE TREATMENT OF CANCER PATIENTS (An extract of the mistletoe plant). On Friday, July 5, 2013. Venue and time will be announced later.
Speaker: Dr. Zubin P Marolia, Holistic Health Therapist, Specialist in Integrative Oncology & Fellow of Filder Klinik, Germany. |
Friday, July 26, 2013 |
INNER BALANCE & THE POWER OF INTENT at Hotel Rosewood, Tardeo on Friday, July 26, 2012 from 10.00 a.m. to 5.00 p.m.
Facilitated by: Ellaeenah JF, Founder of Ellaeenah Ascension Network, spiritual teacher, speaker and writer; energy healer and intuit. |
Thursdays: July 25, August 1, August 8, August 15 (Independence Day), August 22, August 29 & September 5, 2013 |
By popular demand, we are doing another PARENTING WORKSHOP to develop better communication skills between parent and child. Discussion and practice exercises from Faber & Mazlish’s book, ‘How To Talk So Kids Will Listen and Listen So Kids Will Talk’. All Thursdays from July 25 to September 5, 2013. Venue and time will be announced later.
Facilitated by: Dr. Rani Raote, Psychotherapist. |
Past Events |
Saluting Women – International Women’s Day And
Celebrating 15 Eventful Years Of Passages |
March 19, 2013 |
PASSAGES celebrated the completion of fifteen long and fruitful years and International Women’s Day on March 7, 2013. The event was graciously hosted by Dr. Tarana Khubchandani at her beautiful art gallery, Gallery Art & Soul.
Our guest speaker for the event was Ms.Rajyalakshmi Rao, a national authority in the field of Consumer Rights and an author. She spoke on Consumer Rights and gave us
knowledge and information based on her vast experience in all the three tiers of the Consumer Fora – District Forum, State Commission and National Commission. |
Ms. Rajyalakshmi Rao &
Dr. Tarana Khubchandani |
View of the audience |
Surrounded by members, good friends and well-wishers it was a time for recollection and sharing. Dr. Coomi Bharat Singh recalled the journey of PASSAGES so far and shared with those present the journey ahead. She spoke about the forthcoming workshops and announced the new projects and future plans, especially in the Cancer Health Programme. You will read details in the reports appearing in this newsletter.
We are extremely thankful and grateful to all our members, friends, donors and well-wishers for always responding with love and generous support in all our endeavours. The great strides we have taken and continue to do have become possible because of your constant support, encouragement and unstinting big-heartedness. |
Introduction To Handwriting & Drawing Analysis |
March 19, 2013 |
Led by Ms. Seemaa Dhingra, (in the picture) an expert in Handwriting & Drawing Analysis and a Specialist in Healing Therapies & Tarot, this workshop was interactive and fun. We learned several ways in which our handwritings, signatures and drawings speak about our personalities, our traits or patterns. It is interesting to know that with constant practice for at least twenty one consecutive days, we can change certain habits or behaviour patterns that we really want to. As our thoughts change, our handwritings also get altered with time.
Seemaa kept it lively throughout, making us work through a whole lot of exercises. Most of us have sent her (homework assignment) samples of our handwritings, signatures and drawings for analysis. Interesting! |
Love Yourself, Heal Your Life |
April 24 & 25, 2013 |
This two-day workshop was a huge success. Intense at times, it was interactive and exciting. Led expertly by Ms. Shalini Kalra Jacob, a certified Heal Your Life Trainer for India, the participants were taken through those areas of their lives in which they sought change. Loving yourself is the key. Various techniques and exercises were shared to rid ourselves of old, unwanted baggage or patterns of behaviour and lead us to loving ourselves. From that loving space we moved towards forgiveness and compassion.
There was high, positive energy and tremendous bonding at this energetic Workshop. |
Group picture:
Shalini in the centre behind Coomi
with hands on Coomi’s shoulders. |
Update On Cancer Health Programme |
By Dr. Coomi B Singh |
“It is only the women whose eyes have been washed clear with tears who get the broad vision that makes them little sisters to all the world.” - Dorothy Dix |
1. |
Revival Of The Distribution Of Tamoxifen :
We are very happy to announce that the distribution of the drug Tamoxifen will restart from May 2013 to patients at Cama Hospital. Dr. Dilip Nikam informed us that they have about forty patients who will need tamoxifen / letrozol (along with Osteopause) every month, as of now. Each patient requires three strips monthly. |
2. |
Adopt-a-patient From Illness To Wellness
(project At Cama & Albless Mother & Child Hospital) : |
It is a matter of joy for us that two of the patients under this Scheme, Mrs. X and Mrs. Y, have successfully completed their treatment. They are now advised regular check-ups. The third patient, Mrs. Z, is still undergoing chemotherapy cycles. She has completed five successfully out of the six prescribed for her which is due in the beginning of May. She is doing well physically but has no one to accompany her from Bhiwandi (where she lives) to Cama Hospital for her treatments, travelling alone by train to and from the hospital. She finds this very difficult and wanted to stop
the treatment,but she has been counselled |
that it is important for her to complete it.
More good news is that, through the generosity of two more donors, we are in a position to adopt two new patients under this scheme. On April 18, 2013 we met Dr. Dilip at Cama Hospital and identified two women who will be the recipients. One’s husband runs a small kiraana shop while the other one’s husband is a construction labourer who earns Rs.150/- per day.
Apart from this, counselling at hospitals and house visits are ongoing. |